What can you do in your daily self-care practice to promote well-being?

Are you still wondering how to add self-care and well-being into your daily life? Have you tried meditation and struggled to keep it up?
You are not alone. Many people find traditional meditation difficult and are unable to settle. So perhaps you might find a different approach to well-being more helpful.
The trick is to find small changes that make a difference and can fit in with your daily life. There are lots of things you can do such as making time to walk in nature on a regular basis, make sure you are taking care of your body with good diet and exercise and taking time to nurture your emotional and mental well-being.
I discovered the Wholeness Work a few years ago and it really resonated with me. The daily practice is gentle and easy to do. I often use the daily practice before getting out of bed in the morning and find it helps me clear my foggy mind so I am ready for the day.
The Wholeness Work was developed by Connirae Andreas in the USA and in addition to being a great self-care practice it can also help clear some health and emotional issues. On her website there is a free demonstration you can watch to get a better idea of the approach.
I have been using the Wholeness Work personally to help me with a minor health issue.
Recently a new and very fluffy dog joined my life. This seems to have triggered a mild allergic reaction. I’ve been using the next level of the Work to clear the symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms clear completely and sometimes they are just reduced. I will persevere and hopefully repeated use will re-balance my system. One of the things I like about this approach is the honesty of the author, this is not an overnight cure.
The Wholeness Work is a great way to promote feelings of Peace and Wholeness. Repeated use is the pathway to experiencing positive well-being. This approach can be used to clear emotional issues and sometimes help with physical health issues (although the advice remains that you do need to check with a qualified health professional too). Use the Wholeness Work to enhance healing and give yourself the best chance of well-being.
Over the coming months I will share a few more case studies about how the Wholeness Work can help with issues such as Anxiety, Insomnia and even Phantom Limb Syndrome.
Would you like to know more? Contact me to arrange a chat about how you can bring the Wholeness Work into your life or click the link to find out about our introduction workshop The Wholeness Work: A Beginning.