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Posts Tagged ‘Wholeness Work’

How are training courses evolving to meet the challenges of the pandemic world?

Last month I ran my first hybrid training here at GWiz, The course was the specialist training module for our Clinical Hypnotherapy Diploma. Most of the students were with me in the training room. Two people were unable to attend in person because of the current restrictions. How did it work? I was uncertain how […]

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What can you do in your daily self-care practice to promote well-being?

Are you still wondering how to add self-care and well-being into your daily life? Have you tried meditation and struggled to keep it up? You are not alone. Many people find traditional meditation difficult and are unable to settle. So perhaps you might find a different approach to well-being more helpful. The trick is to […]

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Do you ever experience unconscious self-sabotage?

Do you ever experience self-sabotage and wonder what you can do about it? This blog will provide you with suggestions and ideas to help you transform your life

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