Posts Tagged ‘self-esteem’
Positive Psychology Coaching with Strengths
Find out how Strengths can be used in Positive Psychology Coaching approaches.
Did you know that when you learn something new your self-esteem gets a boost?
This week I’m going to keep it short as I’m busy preparing for the NLP Conference which starts on Friday. Thinking about the Conference and looking at the programme reminded me of the value of learning as a way to boost your self-esteem. This makes learning another form of self-care. This is boosted further […]
How does NLP help you in your self-care practice?
This week someone asked me to explain the benefits of NLP to them and I realised this is something I’ve not written about recently. It made sense to me to give you a little background into my personal angle on this. Several years ago I studied for an MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and for my […]
Do you have an inner critic bullying you?

How can you manage your inner critic & set yourself free from a script you didn’t even write? How can you become the author of your own life? Set yourself free!
Do you know what self-care is?
How well are you nurturing yourself? This week I would like to start a new series of discussions on self-care beginning with an introduction. Over the next few weeks I will expand on this theme. What is self-care? My definition of self-care is the operationalisation of healthy self-esteem. Healthy self-esteem is where you recognise your […]