Posts Tagged ‘self-care’
Are you being kind to yourself?
More on the importance of self-care and how to begin taking better care of yourself physically, emotionally and psychologically.
Are you minding your mind?
Here is an audit for you to carry out on psychological self-care. Consider your internal representations and how you store information. This will be in the form of thoughts, images, sounds, sensations, emotions and even taste and smell. These in turn will create patterns of thought, responding and behaviour.
How well do you understand yourself?
How does self-care apply to your emotions and emotional intelligence. How self aware are you?
self-assessment of your care journey. How are you doing?
Complete an audit on your own physical self-care to start your own journey toward better self-care
Do you know what self-care is?
How well are you nurturing yourself? This week I would like to start a new series of discussions on self-care beginning with an introduction. Over the next few weeks I will expand on this theme. What is self-care? My definition of self-care is the operationalisation of healthy self-esteem. Healthy self-esteem is where you recognise your […]
Welcome to the Wellbeing Club!
Wellbeing is a rather hot topic at the moment. I wonder how are you doing with your own self-care? Take a moment to consider, how do you want to BE? You know what it is like when you are so busy doing that you forget what it is to be. What if you were to […]