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Posts Tagged ‘self-awareness’

Who are you?

Do you wonder why anxiety takes over you life? Did you know how you talk to yourself can make a big difference, learn how to talk to yourself in a more supportive way. Don’t let Anxiety be your Identity.

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What is Imposter Syndrome? How can you make changes that last?

Do you have Imposter Syndrome? Would you like to understand why and how to make changes?

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Social distancing guidelines, Why are so many people ignoring them? 1 curious reason…

social distancing

I wrote the following post on Social Media about why are people are ignoring social distancing guidelines (shared a week ago) and thought it would be useful to share as a blog, so here it is. I’m seeing a lot of posts asking why so many people are ignoring the guidelines about social distancing so […]

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What is the point of psychometrics in Coaching?

Students on my Accredited Coaching Diploma often ask me about the value and use of psychometrics in Coaching. As with any tool there are advantages and disadvantages. It is worth considering carefully before you reach for the psychometrics questionnaire. Ask yourself, “will this help or hinder my clients process?” There are many psychometrics out there […]

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