Posts Tagged ‘self-awareness’
How does Coaching work?
Have you ever wondered how does Coaching work? Even if you are already a Coach yourself it is worth considering the answer to this simple question. Let me start by sharing some of my experience of Coaching in the Corporate setting. Sometimes we provide the Coaches for an inhouse Coaching programme for one of our […]
What are Coaching Super Tools?
In this post explore some advanced coaching tools used by the most experienced coaches
Understanding Drama in the Coaching Room, the theory
So you can have an understanding of Drama in the Coaching Room this week I will lay out the theory in a little more detail. As already mentioned Transactional Analysis has a great model called the “Drama Triangle” (Karpman 1968) as one way of exploring what Berne described as games. In Transactional terms, the interaction […]
How Coaches are invited into the Drama and what happens next!
This week I will start by exploring how Coaches are invited into the Drama. So let me clarify what I am talking about. The models and ideas for this series are drawn from Transactional Analysis. Following on from last week, Coaches can often find themselves being sucked into their client’s Drama and this is unhelpful. […]
Does an Executive Coach need to know all about their client’s business?
If you are an Executive Coach or want to become a Coach it is worth considering whether you need to know about your client’s business in order to work with them. There are various opinions about this and I will share mine with you. You may agree or disagree, either way, it is worth thinking […]
Positive Psychology Coaching: Savouring the moment
In this first full blog on Positive Psychology Coaching I want to focus on Savouring the moment. How often do you truly stay present and savour the moment? As a Coach being “present” with our clients is a key skill but is this the same as savouring the moment? I would argue that although similar […]
Why Coaches take on cases beyond their training
An insight what drives Coaches to sometimes taken on Clients they are not equipped to deal with. The author uses models from Transactional Analysis to help explain this unconscious process.
Do you recognise Parallel Processes in your Coaching sessions?
Parallel processes in your Coaching sessions are common but do you know what they are and how to recognise them? Let’s start with a definition of parallel processing. When a parallel process occurs a dynamic in one part of the system can be replayed in another part. In Coaching the client may describe a problem […]
Should Coaches share psychological models with their clients?
On a recent coaching course a question was asked about sharing psychological models with clients and if this is really coaching. I wonder what you think? For many of you it might depend on what style of Coaching you use, if you work solely in a non-directive way the idea of sharing a model may […]
Powerful ways of Coaching through Procrastination
Procrastination is a really common issue in coaching and life. This week Coaching through Procrastination was a theme in my Coaching Circle. For those of you not familiar with Coaching Circles, I facilitate a group of coaches to help them hone their skills. The idea is one person is a coach and someone else […]