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Posts Tagged ‘rapport’

How do you Coach a client who talks constantly without pause

Have you ever worked with someone who talks constantly? What I mean by that is a client who starts speaking and doesn’t even pause for breath. As the Coach you may not be able to even get the contract in place or clarify the client’s outcomes. It’s a problem, right? Or is it? Before considering […]

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What is a Coach chemistry meeting?

A Coach chemistry meeting, also known as a Discovery session is a very useful tool for Coaches, NLP Practitioners and Hypnotherapists.   So, what is it and why is it useful?   A chemistry meeting is usually fifteen to twenty minutes and can be via phone, video conferencing or if local face to face. It […]

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Calibrating vulnerability in clients or students as an NLP Trainer or Practitioner

As an NLP Trainer or NLP Practitioner, our ability to recognise vulnerability in our students or clients is a key skill set. So exactly how do you do it while running courses such as NLP Practitioner? This is just as important for the NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist and Therapist when working one to one with clients. […]

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