Posts Tagged ‘positive psychology’
What are Coaching Super Tools?
In this post explore some advanced coaching tools used by the most experienced coaches
What is the importance of recognising emotions in Coaching?

Have you considered the importance of recognising emotions in Coaching? Let me expand, how good are you at recognising your own emotions? How about emotions in your clients? Recognising or Perceiving Emotions is one of the Branches of the MSCEIT (Mayer, Salovey and Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test). Some people are naturally good at recognising their […]
What is Emotionally Intelligent Coaching?
I wonder if you see the ambiguity in the title, what is Emotionally Intelligent Coaching? Today I am introducing a topic that is important for you both as a Coach and a Client. In order to help others with Emotional Intelligence you need to be self-aware yourself. I will be discussing both how to be […]
Positive Psychology Coaching with Strengths
Find out how Strengths can be used in Positive Psychology Coaching approaches.
Where does Wisdom fit in Positive Psychology Coaching?
How does Wisdom fit into coaching practice and what is the connection to Positive Psychology?
Positive Psychology Coaching: Savouring the moment
In this first full blog on Positive Psychology Coaching I want to focus on Savouring the moment. How often do you truly stay present and savour the moment? As a Coach being “present” with our clients is a key skill but is this the same as savouring the moment? I would argue that although similar […]
What is Positive Psychology Coaching?
Introduction to a new series about Positive Psychology Coaching. Do let me know if you have a favourite topic you would like me to cover.
Creating a Positive Coaching Culture in Organisations
What is a Positive Coaching Culture and why is it useful in Organisations?
What every Coach needs to know about the unhealthy side of Resilience
Speaking to you as a Coach, did you know there was an unhealthy side of Resilience? The concept of Resilience has become very popular in recent years with many articles and blogs on the topic so why am I suggesting there is something unhealthy about Resilience? Let me begin by saying Resilience is a […]
Are you feeling overwhelmed or angry about the current health crisis? Try Positive Psychology

Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious or angry about the current health crisis? Would you like some simple ideas in Positive Psychology to help you cope better? I hope this post will help you. Have you noticed the extremes of emotions and opinions on posts on Social Media? Some posts are angry and opinionated while […]