Posts Tagged ‘mental well-being’
Accessing States of Well-Being
Learn about how to manage your state of well-being even in challenging times.
7th November 2020
Are you feeling overwhelmed or angry about the current health crisis? Try Positive Psychology

Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious or angry about the current health crisis? Would you like some simple ideas in Positive Psychology to help you cope better? I hope this post will help you. Have you noticed the extremes of emotions and opinions on posts on Social Media? Some posts are angry and opinionated while […]
6th April 2020
What can you do in your daily self-care practice to promote well-being?

Are you still wondering how to add self-care and well-being into your daily life? Have you tried meditation and struggled to keep it up? You are not alone. Many people find traditional meditation difficult and are unable to settle. So perhaps you might find a different approach to well-being more helpful. The trick is to […]
24th February 2020