Posts Tagged ‘limiting beliefs’
Do you have an inner critic bullying you?

How can you manage your inner critic & set yourself free from a script you didn’t even write? How can you become the author of your own life? Set yourself free!
How are limiting beliefs created?
People often ask me “how are limiting beliefs are created?” This can be the first step in the realisation that the thinking patterns that have been holding you back can be understood and changed. By asking the question the door is open to the possibility of transformation. From a research perspective it is fair to say […]
What are Limiting Beliefs and can they be changed?
Have you ever noticed how you hold yourself back from certain things? Sometimes these will be tasks or activities you know logically that you are capable of and yet there is another part of you that is convinced you will never succeed. Perhaps even more challenging are those personal things you think about yourself as a […]