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Posts Tagged ‘confidence’

Do you ever feel like you are an imposter? Do you worry about people finding out that you are not as confident as you seem?

I speak to a lot of people who feel as if they will be found out, they feel like imposters (hence the term ‘Imposter Syndrome’) including those who are really successful in their careers. One person with Imposter Syndrome I worked with was a Chief Executive who on the surface was confident, motivated and inspirational. […]

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Are you minding your mind?

Here is an audit for you to carry out on psychological self-care. Consider your internal representations and how you store information. This will be in the form of thoughts, images, sounds, sensations, emotions and even taste and smell. These in turn will create patterns of thought, responding and behaviour.

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Are you ready for the next step in your NLP Journey? Find out more about NLP Master Practitioner

Are you ready for the next step in your NLP Journey? I wonder if you have begun asking yourself important questions yet: Who am I? What is my life purpose? What is the nature of reality?   In our NLP Master Practitioner we balance taking your NLP skills to the next level with exploring some […]

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