Posts Tagged ‘coaching contracts’
What are the skills a Coach uses?
When you ask, what are the skills a Coach uses, you might want to bear in mind “how long is a piece of string?” There are some skills that all good Coaches will use for sure and these may seem quite obvious, such as: Being present the client. Creating a safe space. Building a relationship […]
Why is Contracting important in Coaching Cultures?
Read about the importance of good contracting when setting up a Coaching Culture. Recognise common pitfalls and avoid them before you start.
Positive Psychology Coaching with Strengths
Find out how Strengths can be used in Positive Psychology Coaching approaches.
Between Sessions. Creating Coaching Contracts, Part 4
Are you a Coach who sometimes has problems with clients contacting you between sessions. Find out how to handle this and more
Soft Boundaries. Creating Coaching Contracts, Part 3
Soft boundaries are one of the most common issues my students bring to Supervision. So what is a soft boundary? A soft boundary can either be a boundary that has not been put in place or where you, the Coach, allow the client to ignore a boundary.
Why Use Coaching Contracts? – Creating Great Coaching Contracts, Part 1
Are you a Coach who needs to learn more about contracting with clients? If yes then read on….