Posts Tagged ‘Coach’
Why all Managers need to know how to Coach?
Why all Managers need to know how to Coach? Take a moment to consider how Managers are created. The most common way for someone to move into management is to get promoted because they are good at the job. For example, you are a good salesperson, engineer, scientist, shop assistant etc so you get promoted. […]
How does Coaching work?
Have you ever wondered how does Coaching work? Even if you are already a Coach yourself it is worth considering the answer to this simple question. Let me start by sharing some of my experience of Coaching in the Corporate setting. Sometimes we provide the Coaches for an inhouse Coaching programme for one of our […]
What are Coaching Super Tools?
In this post explore some advanced coaching tools used by the most experienced coaches
What is Coaching?
What is Coaching? You may wonder why I am writing such a basic post about “what is coaching? Well, recently I have noticed that in some of our Corporate contracts, there is some confusion. The people who offered coaching have not really understood what it is. Some have even thought they were being punished. In […]
Why are Coaches getting sucked into their client’s drama? Great question, right?

A series of articles about using Transactional Analysis in Coaching and Supervision
Why is Contracting important in Coaching Cultures?

Read about the importance of good contracting when setting up a Coaching Culture. Recognise common pitfalls and avoid them before you start.
Does an Executive Coach need to know all about their client’s business?

If you are an Executive Coach or want to become a Coach it is worth considering whether you need to know about your client’s business in order to work with them. There are various opinions about this and I will share mine with you. You may agree or disagree, either way, it is worth thinking […]
Where does Wisdom fit in Positive Psychology Coaching?
How does Wisdom fit into coaching practice and what is the connection to Positive Psychology?
Positive Psychology Coaching: Savouring the moment
In this first full blog on Positive Psychology Coaching I want to focus on Savouring the moment. How often do you truly stay present and savour the moment? As a Coach being “present” with our clients is a key skill but is this the same as savouring the moment? I would argue that although similar […]
What is Positive Psychology Coaching?
Introduction to a new series about Positive Psychology Coaching. Do let me know if you have a favourite topic you would like me to cover.