self-assessment of your care journey. How are you doing?
Last week I began my new series focusing on self-care with an overview and introduction. This week about self-assessment and I recommend you take a few minutes over the next few days to complete this short self-audit.
In order to get the most out of this series you might want to begin a self-care journal to record your answers, thoughts, feelings and actions.
Here are your questions on self-care questions for Physical self-assessment.
- Do you in general terms take care of your body and health?
- Do assess situations that might involve physical risk or do you rush in?
- Do you get enough sleep? If not, is there a reason?
- Do you eat healthily? Do you know what healthy eating is?
- Are you over-weight, under-weight or within healthy guidelines for weight?
- Do you take the recommended levels of exercise? Do you know what recommended levels are? Do you do too much, not enough or at a healthy balance for exercise?
- Do you get regular health checks such as dentist, opticians etc? Do you get a regular general check up?
- Do you pay attention to your body and listen to feedback from your body?
- Do you take time to relax? For example do you meditate, use self-hypnosis, listen to music, walk in nature?
- Do you dance? Do you play? Do you laugh?

Find health in nature
What questions have I missed out? Let me know what else is important to you for physical self-care.
Next week the audit will be for Emotional Self-care.