1 Daily self-care practice to check in with your values

What are your values? Are you living yours?

You don’t often talk about values in the busy rush of life and yet they are so important. The current world of Social Distancing is giving us less time to be busy doing and more time to do some being.

This is great for your daily self-care provided you make sure your focus stays healthy.

There are so many things happening beyond Corona right now and many people are considering where they stand. Are you thinking about where you stand on the major issues facing us all? Whether it is concern about front line workers at risk from the virus, Black Lives Matter, Climate Change or the economy it is your values that will lead your response.

Protect your mental health by creating clarity about what matters to you. Decide what you can do and want to do in alignment with your values. Take action that fits your value system. Accept what is out of your control.

Make sure you take some time for you. If you can get out in a garden or in Nature. Restore your Spirit, use this strange time in history to reflect.

Daily self-care is more than looking after your body and your emotions. When you live in a way that clashes with your values you create inner stress. Take some time to listen to your inner compass this will connect you with your values. I wonder how many of you will connect with compassion, kindness, fairness, connection, love, trust, honesty, equality, loyalty, authenticity, ……….

daily self-care by reflecting on your values

Restore your Spirit

Notice if you discover internal clashes in your values or ones that don’t feel nurturing to your spirit. Self-reflection is one way to begin re-aligning and strengthening your core values. Sometimes you may need a little help. For example, there are processes that can help you resolve internal clashes such as Parts Integration (Visual Squash) and Core Transformation.

What are your values? Are you living yours?