Archive for the ‘Business tips’ Category:

Why all Managers need to know how to Coach?

Why all Managers need to know how to Coach? Take a moment to consider how Managers are created. The most common way for someone to move into management is to get promoted because they are good at the job. For example, you are a good salesperson, engineer, scientist, shop assistant etc so you get promoted. […]

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What are Coaching Super Tools?

In this post explore some advanced coaching tools used by the most experienced coaches

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What is Coaching?

What is Coaching? You may wonder why I am writing such a basic post about “what is coaching? Well, recently I have noticed that in some of our Corporate contracts, there is some confusion. The people who offered coaching have not really understood what it is. Some have even thought they were being punished. In […]

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Why is Contracting important in Coaching Cultures?

Read about the importance of good contracting when setting up a Coaching Culture. Recognise common pitfalls and avoid them before you start.

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Does an Executive Coach need to know all about their client’s business?

If you are an Executive Coach or want to become a Coach it is worth considering whether you need to know about your client’s business in order to work with them. There are various opinions about this and I will share mine with you. You may agree or disagree, either way, it is worth thinking […]

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Transactional Analysis: Coaching Case Study 2

This is for you if you are a Coach or want to become a Coach and you want to know how Transactional Analysis can be used in Coaching.

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Creating Coaching Contracts – Part 6

The relationship contract, client’s outcomes (goals) and tasking In my individual Supervision sessions and Supervision Groups I sometimes notice a Coach who will launch straight into the “story” they want to talk about. This is always a clue for me that we may be about to discuss “parallel processing”. Note: Parallel processing is where a […]

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Creating Coaching Contracts – Part 5

The importance of multi-cornered contracts What is a multi-cornered contract? The clue is in the name, most coaching contracts are not just between two people. The obvious parties to a contract are the Coach and the Client however there are often other stake holders. In simplest terms ethical professional Coaches have a Supervisor and although […]

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Between Sessions. Creating Coaching Contracts, Part 4

A clock and some work items representing time between sessions

Are you a Coach who sometimes has problems with clients contacting you between sessions. Find out how to handle this and more

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Soft Boundaries. Creating Coaching Contracts, Part 3

Image of a fence and beautiful sunset representing soft boundaries

Soft boundaries are one of the most common issues my students bring to Supervision. So what is a soft boundary? A soft boundary can either be a boundary that has not been put in place or where you, the Coach, allow the client to ignore a boundary.

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